We would like to thank you for considering JR Structural for your upcoming project.
Unfortunately our schedule does not always allow for additional projects.
For those times we can recommend the following trade partners.
DP Advanced Engineering, Inc.
3361 Walnut Blvd #100,
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 516-3502
Sam Demil
Danville, CA
(925) 785-5027
Alex Le Structural Engineering
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 287-8370
- 4 to 6 hrs. of billable time minimum.
- No home inspection reports.
- No insurance work.
Pauli Engineering, Inc.
2501 W. Shaw Ave., Ste 121
Fresno, CA 93711
(559) 237-4408
Ross Pour, Principal
Los Angeles, CA
(925) 768-6789